Vahkrin: Imp (Drungle)
Species: Vahkrin. Breed: Imp, Drungle. Class: Monster. Align: Evil (chaotic due to its intelligence and wisdom). Each encountered will have a 10% chance of being "UnHoly". If UnHoly, see: "Special Abilities (UnHoly)".
Gender: 01-50: Female, 51-00: Male.
Level: 1-D6. Damage-Points: 1-D6 x level.
Number encountered: 1-D4 +1.
Experience-Points: 6 x level (12 for the UnHoly).
Awareness: Hearing: 20, Sense of Smell: 18, Sixth Sense: 0, Taste: 18, Touch: 18, Vision: 18,
Charisma -: Appearance: 5, Speech: 18 (24 if UnHoly), Constitution: 14, Coordination: 28, Dexterity: 32, Intelligence: 32, Mental-Strength: 18, Strength: 12, Wisdom: 12.
Flying: 12. Grounded: 6. Swimming: 2.
Luck: 1-D2 per level (1-D6 per level if UnHoly).
Oxygen-Points: 54.
Blood-Points: 42.
Attack descriptions: Range: Damage: Attack type:
Bite ---------- : 1 1 space (5'). 1-D6 (+1-D6 per level advanced). Sharp.
Claws -------- : 2 1 space (5'). 1-D6 (+1-D6 per level advanced). Sharp.
Special ------ : This creature will have one single fire spell, the least powerful of 3 rolls from the Elemental Magician spell list. It will also have 1-D4 spell-points per level advanced, or the minimum spell-points to at least cast the fire spell one time.
Defense: 28. Offense: 32.
Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:
90+ for 1-D2 items.
Begin rolling on the Common chart.
Check for each creature to have treasure (it will only have treasure it can carry).
Annihilation Strike?: No. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.
Eye color: Black with a slight red glow within each eye. Eye shape: Small and sharply slanted.
Height: 2' 0". Length: 2'-0". Posture: Avian. Skin color: Gray. Skin texture: Like that of a pig. Weight: 15 Lbs. Wing Contour: Bat-like (it's wings are a darker gray). Wingspan: 4'-0".
This small, beady-eyed creature appears to be a hideous, twisted, thin-framed humanoid with bat-like wings of gray.
Dislikes ----- : Good and Holy creatures. Honor.
Disposition - : Manipulative and conniving. This creature is also known as a Doom Runner, for they report back to their masters all they see and hear when traveling outside the Underworld.
Fears -------- : Vuolg Vahkrin.
Habitat ------ : This creature can be found in many regions and settings.
Immunities - : Fire that causes up to 10 damage x their level (any damage over this will be taken).
Death abilities and magic.
Life-span --- : 100 years (300 if UnHoly).
Likes -------- : This truly dark-hearted creature loves wickedness in every aspect of the meaning. Just as many evil people in Utaemia, this creature will say anything to gain riches, popularity and power, and will do so by giving empty promises it does not mean to fulfil. Other than to their master, any promise delivered by this creature will only be honored due to being in the eye of the public, or when forced (in this, they feel victimized). This eats at them in a terrible way, though they keep this a secret. Any time they must keep their word, unless it is for wickedness, they will forever feel an intense enmity for doing so, placing the blame upon the one they benefitted. They will never forget keeping their word to someone, and will try to balance it back in their favor by manipulation and greed.
Needs ------- : Basic needs of life (food, water, shelter, etc.).
Note --------- : None.
Special Abilities:
Call: This creature can capture any life form, other than a common insect, build a crude alter, and call its master through supplication while slaying the creature it has captured. This will have a 10% chance of verbally contacting its master (whoever its master is (discretion of the G.M.). For each attempt to Call its master, this % chance will increase by 1%, but another creature must be slain each time this is attempted. The reason Call fails so much is due to the Drungle Imp's chaotic behavior -- its master rarely wishes to speak with it. Still, if persistant, contact can be made, and this can be attempted at will (and if it has enough creatures to sacrifice). A persistant Drungle Imp will have a growing chance to make contact with its master. It is not uncommon that its master simply kill it for being too annoying. When this happens, it will have a 50% chance of putting the other Drungle Imps in check for 1-D4 days.
50% of the time it will call its master for no good reason. In the mind of the Drungle Imp, it will be important, and so risks its master's wrath. In reality, this creature's insane and unstable nature is quite annoying. Still, they thrive on pleasing their master, and so can be useful at times.
Infra-Red-Vision (as the Psychic's spell) for 1-D20 turns per 24 hours.
Unholy: There will be a 10% chance of this creature being UnHoly. If it is, it will know one completely random spell (excluding holy spells) per level advanced, and will have 2-D20 (+ 1-D6 spell-points per level advanced). Every spell it knows will be the least powerful of 3 spells.
Any UnHoly Drungle Imp has a 50% chance of having an 18 wisdom -- it will not be chaotic. It will still be scatter-minded to some degree (discretion of the G.M.), but not insane.
Special Defenses:
Magic-Resistance: 10% (20% if UnHoly).
Mental-attack: 10% (20% if UnHoly).
Special Offenses:
Beguile: This creature will pit its Mental-Strength vs. a sentient target's Mental-Strength (race to 3). If it wins, it will be able to trick a creature into something it wants. This ability is subtle, and not overly powerful by any means. Still, its effect can be dangerous when dealing with weak minded sentients. This ability is great for causing chaos among their targets, especially among the races. The targeted creature will not realize what is happening (in other words this ability is not invoked in a manner that brings attention to the Drungle Imp).
1. This is an innate ability, but does cost the Imp 1 spell-point to invoke.
2. Other Drungle Imps can aid in the success of Beguile, and will happily do so, whenever they can, and whenever circumstance allows. Fore each Imp aiding another to Beguile, there will be a +1 added to the roll when pitting Mental-Strengths (+2 if UnHoly).
3. If this ability fails against a sentient creature, it cannot attempt to Beguile it again for 3-D10 hours.
Susceptibilities: Holy abilities and spells will have x2 effect on this creature.
Weapon susceptibility: Rank-1 (or better) magic weapon to harm.